Running On Native Lands Shirt (Unisex - Peach)

Running On Native Lands Shirt (Unisex - Peach)


Learn whose lands you are running and recreating on!

SHIPPING: Jordan fills the orders and ships every Monday/Wednesday/Friday or as soon as possible if she is able to.


This is a relationship and sacred circle that must be restored and balanced so that we can ensure our next generations have a thriving future.

The Running on Native Lands Initiative is a Rising Hearts program that aims to make land acknowledgements at trail AND road race events common practice and encourages our partners to go the extra mile by giving back to the communities which the land is borrowed from. With a partnership, we will facilitate in connecting race and event directors with the local communities and encourage event attendees and coordinators to rethink the way we view trails and races, and our connection with the lands by recognizing the lands we are privileged to run on ARE stolen. We are about community building and creating better communication between event directors and Native communities so that attendees can be more respectful of the land they are on and learn how to best protect the areas they visit in ways unique to that land and discover any culturally significant sites that should be avoided or require extra care, This initiative creates every opportunity for us, as people, to gain a new perspective, to show up, to learn, to support, and give visibility to the first peoples.

This initiative serves as an additional justice, diversity, equity and inclusion (JEDI) component to the work many are doing right now to rebuild a better, supportive and more inclusive future for everyone. This will help many runners, not just Indigenous, feel more included and respected when coming into running and outdoor spaces. Should you feel like this is the right path for you - it will begin by partnering with Rising Hearts when organizing your events. We are looking to partner with forward thinking race/event directors and coordinators, who want to go the extra mile in supporting Native communities beyond a land acknowledgement - but to expand that support and advocacy in creating a running community and outdoor environment to be more supportive and inclusive for Black, Indigenous, Brown, Asian, Muslim, Jewish, Two Spirit, LGBTQ+, Non-binary runners and walkers, and People with disabilities in these spaces.

Together, let’s help make the running community more accessible, supportive, inclusive and visible. Learn more at and become a partner in the heartwork!

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NEW Running on Native Lands Stickers (3")

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Earth Day | Live In Kinship with the Lands, Live in Kinship with Each Other (Unisex - Light Green) EARTH DAY back.png

Earth Day | Live In Kinship with the Lands, Live in Kinship with Each Other (Unisex - Light Green)
